We, the Hong Kong Consulting Engineers Association, express our support for the 2024 Policy Address. We are pleased to see the government's proposed plans in land development, infrastructure construction, and talent recruitment, which will provide strong support for Hong Kong's economic growth and social development.
Construction of the Northern Metropolis: The Northern Metropolis will become a new engine for Hong Kong's economic growth. We look forward to the extensive launch of residential units and infrastructure projects, which will provide more opportunities for the engineering consultancy sector.
Innovation in Talent Recruitment Mechanisms: The government's efforts to attract and retain talent, including updating the talent list and expanding the Top Talent Pass Scheme, will help enhance the professional and technical standards in Hong Kong.
Efforts to Promote Workplace Safety: The government is actively promoting safer working environments by mandating the use of Smart Site Safety System (4S) for designated private construction projects and issuing the first batch of safety system labels. In the future, the government will enhance labor safety through revisions to safety guidelines, promoting the effective use of technology, and strengthening industry training.
We urge the government to support stable and sustainable development of engineering consultancy sector via our participation in more projects, especially in the promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Greater Bay Area development, allowing our expertise and skills to contribute to the development and growth of Hong Kong and our Motherland.
北部都會區的建設: 北部都會區將成為香港經濟增長的新引擎,我們期待著未來的房屋單位和基建項目的大量開展,這將為工程顧問行業提供更多機會。
人才引進機制的革新: 政府的努力來吸引和保留人才,包括更新人才清單和擴大高端人才通行證計劃,將有助於提升香港的專業技術水平。
促進職安健方面的努力: 政府積極推動業界提供更安全的工作環境,包括今年7月強制規定指定私人建築工程為可移動機械採用「安全智慧工地」系統,並發出首批安全智慧工地系統標籤。未來政府會透過修訂安全守則、推廣善用科技和加強行業培訓三管齊下,加強保障勞工安全。